Are you called to worship? Do you want to honor God with your musical gifting?

We believe following Christ is a high calling which requires great sacrifice. This is true for everyone on stage; every position is one of leadership due to the nature of the platform. We do not invest in people searching for a stage but simply those searching to honor God with their gifts.

We operate at a high level and utilize technology such as Planning Center, Playback, in-ear monitoring systems (such as Klang and Wing Q), and more. However, we spend plenty of time teaching and equipping every new team member through our Development process (outlined below). This process usually takes about 4 months from audition to serving on stage. Our goal through this is to make sure each team member is comfortable with our systems, integrated into our culture, and equipped to serve at the expected level.

Because of those things, audition benchmarks are in place. Regardless of the outcome of the audition, we will give detailed feedback and next steps, whether through resources, referrals for lessons, or simply scheduling another audition with clear expectations.

Prerequisites to join:

  • Attended or signed up for Discover class

  • Attended Compel for at least 3 months

  • Serving or have served in another area 

  • Participation in Connect groups

  • Referral from another Compel leader

  • Strong musical aptitude and ability

  • Humility and a teachable spirit

Interested in joining the team? We would love to tell you more about your next step. Scroll to the bottom, and select your home campus to fill out an application.

  1. Submit a Worship Team Application. (Links Below)

  2. Attend a Preview.

    Once you’ve submitted your application, a team member will reach out to schedule a time for you to preview a service, rehearsal, or development session. This gives you a behind the scenes glimpse of some of our processes.

3. Prepare For Your Audition.

Following your preview, you will be invited to audition. We will speak about your application responses, your musical background and ability, and your spiritual growth and understanding of worship as it pertains to the Word of God. Resources will be provided for you in advance. Regardless of the outcome, we will give you next steps to help you along your journey either with us or simply in growing in your gifting. The first step for all vocalists (and some exclusively) is to sing in the choir for our special events.

4. Onboarding/Development!

If we feel you are the right fit for our team, you will be invited to Onboarding, where the main focuses are spiritual development and understanding our worship culture. You will have a chance to get feedback and encouragement long before serving on a weekend.

Whether or not serving with Compel Worship is the right fit for you, make sure you are plugged in to Connect Groups and serving in other areas right now. The entire Development process can take anywhere from 4-12 sessions (sometimes spread over several months).

Choose Your Campus:

Worship Team Applications

We are so honored that you would consider using your gifts to serve our people. God gave us these gifts for a reason, and it’s not for selfish gain, but rather to bring right back to Him. He can do so much more with them than we ever could. Praise God that He knows better than us!

“And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him. Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.” -Romans 1: 1-2 (NLT)